Help with leaks
If you think you have a leak on your pipes, we can help confirm and let you know the next steps.
Is it a leak or are you just using more water?
How to spot a private leak
There are two kinds of leaks, ones that occur in our pipework and so are our responsibility, and ones that occur on your private pipework which require you or the homeowner to repair. You might have a private leak if:
- You've noticed a drop in water pressure
- Your bill has increased but you haven’t knowingly increased your water usage
- You have noisy pipes
- You have a dripping tap or a faulty toilet system that has caused a high bill
- You can see a damp patch of ground outside or an area of grass may be growing quicker and greener due to the extra water
Self-help leak test for customers
If you think you have a leak, you should follow the self help leak test below so that you can locate it and determine who is responsible for the repair.
1. Can you find your water meter?
Yes - Carry out a leak test. Are there signs of running water?
- Are any overflow pipes, from water storage or WC cisterns, leaking?
- Are any internal taps or appliances dripping or not turning off properly?
- Are any external taps left running?
No - Contact us on 0345 600 3600 to help locate it.
- If you are a priority services register (PSR) customer we can give you a helping hand, and arrange for the test to be done for you. Give us a call on 0345 600 3600 so we can help.

2. Did you find a leak?
Yes - As the leak is visible, this means you are responsible for the repair of the leak.
- You can search for a local approved plumber on the WaterSafe website.
No - If you're on a meter you need to conduct a leak test.
- Make sure that all internal/external taps and appliances are off and that no water is being used within the premises, then take a meter reading before going to bed, and another in the morning. Alternatively, take a reading before going to work and another after getting home. Make sure that you don't use any water between taking the readings.

3. Are the meter readings the same or different?
Same - If the reading is the same then there is no leakage.
Different - Where is your meter located?

4. Is your meter located inside or outside?
Inside - If the meter is internal, then the leak must also be inside the premises.
- If the meter is recording usage when you are not using water, you may wish to call a plumber to investigate the leak.
Outside - Turn off your internal stop tap and repeat the leak test.
- If the internal stop tap is missing or inoperable, you will have to arrange to have one fitted before the next step can be carried out.

5. Is your meter still recording usage after stop tap isolation?
Yes - If the meter dials move after you have isolated the internal stop tap, there could be a leak between the meter and the internal stop tap.
- Contact us on 0345 600 3600 for assistance.
No - If the meter has stopped moving then the leak must be inside the premises after the stop tap.
- You are responsible for locating and repairing the leak. You can search for a local approved plumber on the WaterSafe website.

Leakage allowance for metered customers
If you’ve repaired the leak within 21 days of being made aware then we have a leakage allowance policy that reduces the cost of your bill.
Once the repair is made, let us know by completing our form and we will let our billing department know to make the adjustment to your account.

We can help with your private leak
We can offer you help with your leak through our Bristol Water Leakstop scheme. To help put things right quickly, our Leakstop scheme offers help for leaks on underground supply pipes. We offer:
- Free leak assistance service and advice on your next best steps
- £100 subsidy payment if you repair the leak or replace the leaky pipe within 21 days (this is capped to one payment per leaky pipe)
- Continuous support and advice