Get a little extra help
If you have additional needs or a disability, you can sign up to our Priority Services register for free.
Who can get help?
Additional assistance, whatever your needs
- Disability or medical condition
- Restricted mobility or short term injury
- Mental health or neurodiversity
- Sight, hearing or speech condition
- Over 65

What is Priority Services?
What is Priority Services?
Priority Services is for customers who need extra support. By signing up for free, there are a range of services that we offer that can help make your life easier. Depending on your needs this can include having your meter read more regularly to having your bills in large print.
Updates on supply interruptions
Communicating together
You can receive your bill and other information we send to you in a format that suits your needs. You can choose to:
- Have your bills and other communications with you, sent to a carer, family member or friend.
- Receive it in different formats such as braille, large print or another language
- Ask us to call or visit your home to read your bill to you
You can also communicate with us in a range of ways including:
- Via a nominated contact
- Through our live chat
- Using Relay UK text
- Using Sign Live – a service for BSL users
- Providing interpreters on our dedicated language line
Reading your water meter
If you have a water meter fitted, it is important to check this regularly to avoid receiving an unexpected high bill due to a leak. We usually take two meter readings a year to calculate your bills. If you have difficulty reading your meter yourself, we can arrange extra help for you by reading it an additional two more times in a year. We can even relocate the meter, if we are able to do so, so you can read it yourself more easily. Just let us know. If you do not have a meter and would like one you can apply for one.
Customers with home dialysis
We maintain a register of home dialysis users in the Bristol Water area. This means that if there are any planned disruptions to your water supply, you are notified in advance and alternative arrangements can be made.
The register is compiled from information supplied by local health authorities or patients living in the Bristol Water supply area. Please make sure you check you are on the register if you have just started home dialysis. If we need to turn off your water for any reason, we will deliver free bottled water to you and keep in touch with you about when the supply is back on.
Visiting your home
If you have a need that means it may take a while for you to answer the door don’t worry, we will wait for you. You can set up a password and we’ll use it every time we visit you. Always make sure your password is unique to you.
If one of our team needs to visit your home, remember to ask to see their identity card before you let them inside your home. For more security support please visit and look at our Customer Core Information and see our information on scams.
What is Priority Services?
Priority Services is for customers who need extra support. By signing up for free, there are a range of services that we offer that can help make your life easier. Depending on your needs this can include having your meter read more regularly to having your bills in large print.
Updates on supply interruptions
Communicating together
You can receive your bill and other information we send to you in a format that suits your needs. You can choose to:
- Have your bills and other communications with you, sent to a carer, family member or friend.
- Receive it in different formats such as braille, large print or another language
- Ask us to call or visit your home to read your bill to you
You can also communicate with us in a range of ways including:
- Via a nominated contact
- Through our live chat
- Using Relay UK text
- Using Sign Live – a service for BSL users
- Providing interpreters on our dedicated language line
Reading your water meter
If you have a water meter fitted, it is important to check this regularly to avoid receiving an unexpected high bill due to a leak. We usually take two meter readings a year to calculate your bills. If you have difficulty reading your meter yourself, we can arrange extra help for you by reading it an additional two more times in a year. We can even relocate the meter, if we are able to do so, so you can read it yourself more easily. Just let us know. If you do not have a meter and would like one you can apply for one.
Customers with home dialysis
We maintain a register of home dialysis users in the Bristol Water area. This means that if there are any planned disruptions to your water supply, you are notified in advance and alternative arrangements can be made.
The register is compiled from information supplied by local health authorities or patients living in the Bristol Water supply area. Please make sure you check you are on the register if you have just started home dialysis. If we need to turn off your water for any reason, we will deliver free bottled water to you and keep in touch with you about when the supply is back on.
Visiting your home
If you have a need that means it may take a while for you to answer the door don’t worry, we will wait for you. You can set up a password and we’ll use it every time we visit you. Always make sure your password is unique to you.
If one of our team needs to visit your home, remember to ask to see their identity card before you let them inside your home. For more security support please visit and look at our Customer Core Information and see our information on scams.
What is Priority Services?
Priority Services is for customers who need extra support. By signing up for free, there are a range of services that we offer that can help make your life easier. Depending on your needs this can include having your meter read more regularly to having your bills in large print.
Updates on supply interruptions
Communicating together
You can receive your bill and other information we send to you in a format that suits your needs. You can choose to:
- Have your bills and other communications with you, sent to a carer, family member or friend.
- Receive it in different formats such as braille, large print or another language
- Ask us to call or visit your home to read your bill to you
You can also communicate with us in a range of ways including:
- Via a nominated contact
- Through our live chat
- Using Relay UK text
- Using Sign Live – a service for BSL users
- Providing interpreters on our dedicated language line
Reading your water meter
If you have a water meter fitted, it is important to check this regularly to avoid receiving an unexpected high bill due to a leak. We usually take two meter readings a year to calculate your bills. If you have difficulty reading your meter yourself, we can arrange extra help for you by reading it an additional two more times in a year. We can even relocate the meter, if we are able to do so, so you can read it yourself more easily. Just let us know. If you do not have a meter and would like one you can apply for one.
Customers with home dialysis
We maintain a register of home dialysis users in the Bristol Water area. This means that if there are any planned disruptions to your water supply, you are notified in advance and alternative arrangements can be made.
The register is compiled from information supplied by local health authorities or patients living in the Bristol Water supply area. Please make sure you check you are on the register if you have just started home dialysis. If we need to turn off your water for any reason, we will deliver free bottled water to you and keep in touch with you about when the supply is back on.
Visiting your home
If you have a need that means it may take a while for you to answer the door don’t worry, we will wait for you. You can set up a password and we’ll use it every time we visit you. Always make sure your password is unique to you.
If one of our team needs to visit your home, remember to ask to see their identity card before you let them inside your home. For more security support please visit and look at our Customer Core Information and see our information on scams.
How can we help you ?
If you have a medical condition or disability, you can sign up to access our Priority Services. It’s free, only takes a few minutes and you can pick which services you’d like to receive.
I would like to register for Priority Services
I am on the register - my circumstances have changed I would like to update my details
I am on the register - I would like to be removed
I am on the register - my circumstances have not changed and I am happy to remain on the register
I want some information about Priority Services
Did you know? Your mobile phone, landline and internet providers also have a Priority Services Register, you can learn more on the Ofcom website.
And, to make your life easier, if you sign up for our Priority Services we’ll let National Grid know, so they can automatically get you signed up for extra support without you needing to contact them.
Or if you’ve signed up for Priority Services with National Grid, they’ll let us know.
Independent help and advice
If you need debt advice before applying for one of our schemes, or free, independent, and confidential support, these non-profit organisations can help.