Flushing in your area
When and where we plan to carry out routine flushing.
When we plan to flush
We’re carrying out some routine maintenance work on our pipes known as ‘Flushing’ in the following areas this week.
Occasionally we may need to postpone this maintenance, or it may take longer than originally planned. However, we will add updates to this page.
Start date
How long
5 Working Days
Little Stoke
4 Working Days
4 Working Days
5 Working Days
2 Nights
2 Working Days
3 Working Day
Check our map for the exact locations covered and to sign up for notifications of any work in your area.
What happens during flushing?
So that you can enjoy the best water possible, and to keep our network of pipes in top condition, we carry out something called ‘flushing’ as part of our ongoing maintenance work.
Flushing is a proactive and effective way of removing any iron and mineral sediment from our water mains. Pushing clean water through the network, cleaning and flushing any sediment out, ensuring we maintain our high water quality standards.
The process means you might see water running overground, near to where we are working. Rest assured, we never unnecessarily waste water, and flushing only lasts for as long as absolutely necessary.
You may notice slight pressure changes or discolouration to your water during this time. On rare occasions, you may experience a short interruption to your supply. This should only last a short time.
No water or low pressure
If we’re not flushing In Your Area and there are no ongoing incidents, but you are experiencing low pressure or have no water, please see our Your Water FAQs or information on Water Pressure Management.
Alternatively, you can get in touch and contact us.