Supplies & connections
Whether you're ready to connect your pipes or you're only just starting the planning process, we're here to help.

Separate or re-route
If you would like to apply to separate or re-route the supply to your property. please complete our online application form.

Trough Supply
If you would like to get a supply to a field or water trough, please complete an online application form.

Supplies can be disconnected completely or in some cases, temporarily turned off. This service is free of charge.

Standpipe Hire
If you need to connect to the Bristol Water mains network for any reason, the only standpipes permitted are those authorised through us.

Developer Payment
Bristol Water's developer payments. Search for an application and make a payment.

Planned Works
Launch our interactive map In Your Area to view ongoing works. Find out detailed information on our major mains replacement schemes below.

Lead pipe replacement
Was your home built before 1970? If so, you could have lead pipes in your property.

New Build
For more information about your connections to your new build.