The little things matter

To make the world a better place for people, we don't believe in big numbers. We believe in doing little things every day to help make local communities better. Actual plans that will help local people.


Read how exactly we’ll deliver for the wellbeing of society to build the trust of our customers. Join in the conversation on Twitter #HydroSocialContract.

Download our Social Contract

Read the ICS Report

View our benefit & transparency report

What our customers think

A guide to our social purpose

A smiling man with brown hair and a beard, wearing a blue t-shirt and yellow high visibility jacket. He is standing outside of a red brick house
A smiling woman in a bristol water bump camp. She is wearing a black polo shirt and an orange high visibility jacket. She is standing in front of a Bristol Water van.
A smiling man with a beard answering the phone. He is wearing a grey jumper and a black polo shirt.
A man with a grey beard and a green hat holding a fishing rod. He is sitting on a boat which is sitting in the middle of a large lake. There are green trees in the background.

The initiatives

Our community initiatives and social contract work falls under a number of different themes, which we’ve highlighted and explained below
Education & skills
Education & skills
Harnessing the power of the next generation, inspiring future customers and providing opportunities for customers and staff to develop skills and experience.
Community engagement
Community engagement
Harnessing the power of the next generation, inspiring future customers and providing opportunities for customers and staff to develop skills and experience.

Harnessing the power of the next generation, inspiring future customers and providing opportunities for customers and staff to develop skills and experience.


Harnessing the power of the next generation, inspiring future customers and providing opportunities for customers and staff to develop skills and experience.


Working with local stakeholders to help provide extra support to those customers who need it, through extra care services or social tariffs and debt advice.

Academic partnerships
Academic partnerships

Linking academic research to business challenges and using experience to tackle key issues such as resource efficiency. In addition, providing opportunities for learning through MSc projects and other partnerships

Regional strategy
Regional strategy

Supporting the development of regional strategies through working with local government – for example, the West of England Combined Authority or progress towards a carbon-neutral Bristol.

Resource West
Resource West

Working with local partners to deliver a joined-up approach to resource efficiency across different sectors by combining knowledge and effort to amplify messages to customers.

Resource West worked on a pilot project to test the feasibility of utility companies’ joint advice and messaging on domestic energy and water consumption. 

Read the Resource West Pilot Project Final Report


Still want more?
Still want more?

We held an event with local people and some very interesting water folks to chat about our social contract. Read a quick summary below. We've also summed up the whole thing in a couple of pages:

Summary of our social contract launch event

Summary of our citizens for the future event

Summary of our social contract

Education & skills
Harnessing the power of the next generation, inspiring future customers and providing opportunities for customers and staff to develop skills and experience.
Community engagement
Harnessing the power of the next generation, inspiring future customers and providing opportunities for customers and staff to develop skills and experience.

Harnessing the power of the next generation, inspiring future customers and providing opportunities for customers and staff to develop skills and experience.


Harnessing the power of the next generation, inspiring future customers and providing opportunities for customers and staff to develop skills and experience.


Working with local stakeholders to help provide extra support to those customers who need it, through extra care services or social tariffs and debt advice.

Academic partnerships

Linking academic research to business challenges and using experience to tackle key issues such as resource efficiency. In addition, providing opportunities for learning through MSc projects and other partnerships

Regional strategy

Supporting the development of regional strategies through working with local government – for example, the West of England Combined Authority or progress towards a carbon-neutral Bristol.

Resource West

Working with local partners to deliver a joined-up approach to resource efficiency across different sectors by combining knowledge and effort to amplify messages to customers.

Resource West worked on a pilot project to test the feasibility of utility companies’ joint advice and messaging on domestic energy and water consumption. 

Read the Resource West Pilot Project Final Report


Still want more?

We held an event with local people and some very interesting water folks to chat about our social contract. Read a quick summary below. We've also summed up the whole thing in a couple of pages:

Summary of our social contract launch event

Summary of our citizens for the future event

Summary of our social contract