ICS formally recognises Bristol Water for delivering excellent customer service

On 12th March 2019, Bristol Water was paid a special visit by the Institute of Customer Service (ICS). The Institute is an independent, professional body for customer service, nationally recognised with members including Amazon, Sky, Barclays as well as Bristol Water. We’re pleased to announce that the purpose of their visit was to award us…

ICS formally recognises Bristol Water for delivering excellent customer service

On 12 th March 2019, Bristol Water was paid a special visit by the Institute of Customer Service (ICS). The Institute is an independent, professional body for customer service, nationally recognised with members including Amazon, Sky, Barclays as well as Bristol Water. We’re pleased to announce that the purpose of their visit was to award us with the much sought after “ServiceMark” accreditation. The “ServiceMark” award is a greatly coveted and prestigious formal recognition of outstanding internal and external customer service. Only four water companies in the country have shown enough dedication to service and standards towards their customers to achieve this. And we are delighted to tell you that we have officially become the fifth. One of the highlights for the assessor was that “the organisation was very much a family in the way everyone looked after each other whether they were in the office or out in the field, especially in the field where in a lot of organisations it can be quite isolating.” This is an incredible achievement for us, the much sought after accreditation stands for dedication to provide world class customer service and is also telling of our determination over the last few years to achieve this. It also means we’re one step closer to achieving our ultimate ambition, which is to set out and exceed the level of customer service we have promised our customers in our business plan. Chief Customer Officer, Ben Newby writes


“Achieving a ServiceMark accreditation is not easy and, over a period of years, we have undertaken several stages of assessment and worked with the Institute of Customer Service to identify areas for improvement and action”


Bristol Water have now outperformed some of the biggest companies around leaving the likes of Amazon, Sky and Barclays way behind them as they continue to develop and refine the outstanding service their customers expect from them.


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