Iain McGuffog

Director of Strategy & Regulation Iain McGuffog took up the post of Director of Strategy and Regulation at Bristol Water and joined its Executive team in October 2017. Iain heads up the strategy and regulatory directorate and shapes the long term strategy for Bristol Water as well as the PR19 business plan. With more than…

Iain McGuffog
Director of Strategy & Regulation Iain McGuffog took up the post of Director of Strategy and Regulation at Bristol Water and joined its Executive team in October 2017. Iain heads up the strategy and regulatory directorate and shapes the long term strategy for Bristol Water as well as the PR19 business plan. With more than 15 years’ sector experience, Iain joined Bristol Water from Ofwat, where he was Director, Strategy and Planning. Previous to this, Iain was Chief Economist at South West Water. Prior to the water sector, Iain built up experience as both a Management Accountant and Economist in the chemical, consumer electronics and rail sectors. He brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise in economic regulation, economic analysis,  business planning and market strategy.  Iain has an extensive track record of focusing on long term outcomes, including through three water price reviews, that balanced customer, investor and stakeholder needs.

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