Bristol Water is offering its best-ever package of support to help customers lower their bills, including a new risk-free money-back guarantee for those switching to a water meter.
With the cost of living rising, we know more of our customers might need extra help paying their water bills. That’s why we’re offering more financial help and guidance than ever in 2022. This includes:
A new money-back guarantee from 18 February 2022 for switching to a water meter – we’re so confident you’ll save money that we’ll refund the difference after two years if having a meter does end up costing you more.
Low-income discount for pensioners – this equates to 20% off the bill for all customers in receipt of pension credit.
WaterSure+ – this tariff caps bills at a lower level for customers on low-income benefits, families with three or more children or anyone with an illness that uses a lot of water.
Sue Clarke, Head of Customer Experience at Bristol Water, said: “We know many customers are facing financial challenges right now and might be worried about rising living costs and uncertainties related to Covid-19. We’re doing everything we can to help customers most in need at this time. One thing everyone can do to save money is switch to a water meter. It’s completely free and we’re so confident you’ll be financially better off, we’ll refund the difference after two years if you don’t save money.
“We’re also committed to making sure customers receive the right level of financial support through existing schemes, such as a cap on bills for those in most need and a discount for low-income pensioners.
“But we know there are more people out there that need our help. If this is you or you know someone we could assist, please get in contact.”
By 2022/23, the average water bill in the Bristol Water supply area will be £203 a year, an increase of 6.9% from £190. This works out as 56p a day for your water, which is treated, regularly monitored and then transported straight to your tap. The increase reflects inflation and past bill reductions. For more information go to our charges page and refer to your bill when it arrives in the next few weeks.
Further information on the support available can be found on our struggling to pay page.