Be aware of bogus callers

Bogus callers pretending to be from utility companies still happens. Always remain vigilant, follow the doorstep code and if needed register for our priority services.

Be aware of bogus callers

Bogus callers pretending to be from utility providers are still active.


Bogus callers operate in our area. We are always appealing to customers to be extra vigilant and to make sure their elderly relatives and neighbours are aware of what to do if they suspect someone is not who they say they are. 

Bristol Water staff or contractors will always carry ID and an appointment card. They will always be willing to wait while you verify their identity with us. Given that we will only be in your home during an emergency at this time, if your water supply is fine and you’re not expecting a visit from us, please call our customer services team.

Password scheme to prevent bogus callers

If you need extra support you can register for our priority services where you will be able to set up a password with us which we’ll use when we visit, This way, you’ll know it’s really us visiting. You can apply for this scheme online here, or by calling us on 0345 600 3600

The Door Step Code

Stop – are you expecting anybody? Do they have an appointment?

Chain – always secure the door before answering the door to callers

Check – always check the caller’s identity card. If you’re not happy with it or they refuse, call us and we can verify if they work for us.

Call Crimestoppers to report a bogus caller on: 0800 555 111. Stay safe.

Stay safe on social media

It's important to mention, that we would never reach out to a customer on social media. However, if you want to contact us this way, use the authorised accounts below to stay safe. Pay close attention to the social media handles too, to ensure you're messaging our official accounts. 

Distraction Burglary Protocol

We follow the follow the principles of the Distraction Protocol when visiting customers homes. These principles are for when we need to visit a customer’s home. Included in the protocol is: 

  1. Ensuring we have necessary identification and publishing a telephone number for our customers to call if they want to check identities
  2. Arranging our visits in advance except in emergencies
  3. If you decline us entry into your home, we will respect your wishes and decide on what the next steps are to resolve any issue
  4. Ensuring we’re clear on what is needed in emergencies and continuing to follow the identification steps of the protocol

If you wish to read the Distraction Burglary Protocol in more detail, you can do this on the website. 


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