Access to lakes and reservoirs closed

We’ve made the decision to close the car parks at our reservoirs and lakes from Monday 23 March. Given the current Government advice around social distancing we feel this is the best thing to do to help stop the spread of coronavirus. It’s with a heavy heart that we do this, as we know being…

Access to lakes and reservoirs closed

We’ve made the decision to close the car parks at our reservoirs and lakes from Monday 23 March. Given the current Government advice around social distancing we feel this is the best thing to do to help stop the spread of coronavirus. 


It’s with a heavy heart that we do this, as we know being able to go for a walk in nature is very important at this time for wellbeing. And although lots of people have been responsible around the lakes over the weekend, we’ve seen large numbers of people not keeping the appropriate distance.


All of the businesses around the lakes will close for the time being. This includes Salt and Malt and the Woodford at Chew Valley Lake.


We’re doing everything we can to encourage people to stay at home in line with the Government advice to help stop the spread of coronavirus. As a water company we do run an essential service and we’re continuing to do so. Like everyone we’re running with less people and so our focus is on key operations; producing, testing and supplying water to homes. We’re having to stop some activities and not enter peoples homes unless it is an emergency.


This is an incredible hard time for everyone but it has been great to see the community spirit, once again, come out in our part of the world. If people are struggling with bills, or have relatives in vulnerable situations please get in contact with us because we have different payment plans available and help for those who need water for medical reasons.


Go to or call our billing team on 0345 600 3600.


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