Every drop you save...

A leaking toilet can cost £100s on your bill. Follow our simple steps to check for a leaky loo.


Have you got a leaky loo?

Leaking toilets are a big source of wasted water in the home – bath-loads can literally go down the loo every single day. They often go undetected, and are particularly common in modern dual flush systems, wasting up to 400 litres of water a day and adding £100s to your water bill. Check your loo today by taking the test. 


Free leak test pack

You can request from us a free leak check pack, with full instructions and special leak check strips.  When the pack arrives, follow the instructions to check if you have a leaky loo.

Get your FREE pack


Take the leaky loo test now

A leaking loo will usually be visible as a trickle or drip of water down the back of your toilet bowl. If you suspect your loo might be leaking, there’s a really simple trick to help you check.

  1. Place a dry sheet of toilet tissue on the back of the toilet pan, just below the rim.
  2. Leave the paper for a few hours (make sure nobody uses the loo).
  3. Check the paper. If it’s wet, damp/wrinkled or torn, you have a leak!

If you discover a leak, you should find a local qualified and approved plumber.

Feeling flush?

If your loo has a dual flush, remember to use the smaller one for little jobs to save water and money.


FREE water saving devices

Discover our range of free water saving devices are easy to install and help you to reduce the water you use in your home.

Money saving tips

Saving water isn't as hard as you might think. Little changes, like swapping a bath for a shower or getting a water butt, all add up and make a big difference. And you'll save money too!

Our other top water saving tips

We've put together a list of changes you can make to save water. They're broken down into 3 levels, something easy everyone can do, something that takes a bit more work, and a tip if you're dedicated to saving every drop.

The shower
Shower shorter, shower smarter…

Easy win 

Knock a few minutes off your shower time. The average shower uses 10 litres of water a minute, so by halving your shower time from 10 minutes to 5 minutes, you'll save around 50 litres a day!  

A bit more work 

The soap and rinse technique. Turn the shower on and get wet, then turn it off whilst you lather up with soap. Finally, hop back in and turn on the shower to rinse off. It can take a bit of getting used to, but you’ll soon be trying to set personal bests for how quickly you can shower.   

 Water saving hero 

Skip a day. If you’re planning a duvet day, then going without a shower will help you to save buckets of water. Just pick a day where you don’t need to be red carpet ready and relax, safe in the knowledge that you've done your bit to save water.

Take the 4 minute shower challenge

The bath
With baths, less is definitely less…

Easy win 

Less is more. Ok, less is less, but if you can shave an inch or two off the depth of your bath you can save plenty of water and we promise you won't notice the difference.

A bit more work 

Switch for a shower. Sometimes nothing beats a soak in the tub, but if you’re a regular bather and you switch half of your baths for a 5-minute shower, you’ll see those water bills tumbling.

Water saving hero 

If you have treated yourself to a relaxing bath, don’t touch that plug! If your kids are small enough to fit in, or maybe your pets need a pamper, re-use the water - sharing's caring.

If sharing just isn’t for you, you can still make a bath go further by grabbing your watering can and using the leftover water to keep your garden looking lush!

Ditch the monster baths

Washing up
Top tips for doing the dishes…

Easy win 

Make sure your dishwasher is always full! Your dishwasher uses the same amount of water and energy, regardless of how many dishes you stack, so be generous with your loads.  

A bit more work 

Don’t rinse dishes before washing. Instead, use a cake spatula (or a good old-fashioned knife) to scrape any excess food into your food waste bin. This saves water and means you won't be fishing leftovers out of the plug hole - yuck! 

Water saving hero 

When washing up in the sink, use a washing up bowl, as this uses much less water than filling up the whole sink.

Wash the cleaner items, such as glasses, first and leave the really dirty dishes till last so you don’t have to change the water as often.

Save water in the kitchen & utility

Washing machine
Always wash a full load…

Easy win 

Much like a dishwasher, you should always fill up your washing machine with a full load. Washing your clothes with a typical washing machine uses an average of 112 litres of water a week. Save clothes up rather than washing a few at a time. 

A bit more work 

Treat stains before washing. Pre-treating stains will save having to put clothes through the wash more than once.   

Water saving hero 

Is your machine nearing the end of its life? When it’s time to buy a new washing machine, invest in one that’s as water efficient as possible. Most modern machines have water saving modes that keep water and energy use to a minimum.

Save water in the kitchen & utility

The garden
Lose the hose, get a butt!

Easy win

Put the hosepipe down and grab a watering can. It takes a bit longer with a watering can, but you’ll find you waste a lot less water, targeting only the areas that need watering.

A bit more work 

Get a water butt – or better still get two! They give you a plentiful supply of free rainwater to keep your plants hydrated, help you to save on your bills (if you have a water meter) and you can even link multiple butts together using butt lining kits. What’s not to love?   

 Water saving hero 

Make sure that your garden uses water as efficiently as possible. With a bit of planning and preparation, you can create a water efficient sanctuary in no time. Take a look at our water saving garden tips.

Save water in the garden

Your workplace
Adopt a water saving culture

Easy win ⭐

Create a water saving culture for staff and customers that asks them to follow some simple rules, like turning off taps after use, using the correct dual flush button and not washing up under a running tap.

A bit more work ⭐⭐

Develop a water efficient environmental policy that includes appointing a water saving ambassador/officer, a recurring review of your water usage, and sets deadlines and targets for improvements.

Water saving hero ⭐⭐⭐

Invest in water saving technology that will have a long-term impact. Install dual flush efficient cisterns, low flow taps and shower valves, and automatic or push self-closing taps, that can really help save water in the long run.

Save water in the workplace

Save water in the workplace

The winter
Your winter water health check

Easy win 

An unexpected spell of cold weather is often the time people find out their boiler or heating system has a problem. Get it serviced at the start of winter and you’ll know it’s fighting fit and working efficiently to keep you warm all winter.

A bit more work 

If you’re going on holiday or visiting relatives for Christmas and leaving the house empty, don’t forget to keep your heating on low (min 14ºC). This will help to stop your pipes freezing.

Water saving hero 

Look after pipes that are in locations exposed to cold air – the garage, loft or outdoors. Wrap them up with lagging or fit pipe insulation to help prevent them freezing and bursting.

Look after your water this winter

Shower shorter, shower smarter…

Easy win 

Knock a few minutes off your shower time. The average shower uses 10 litres of water a minute, so by halving your shower time from 10 minutes to 5 minutes, you'll save around 50 litres a day!  

A bit more work 

The soap and rinse technique. Turn the shower on and get wet, then turn it off whilst you lather up with soap. Finally, hop back in and turn on the shower to rinse off. It can take a bit of getting used to, but you’ll soon be trying to set personal bests for how quickly you can shower.   

 Water saving hero 

Skip a day. If you’re planning a duvet day, then going without a shower will help you to save buckets of water. Just pick a day where you don’t need to be red carpet ready and relax, safe in the knowledge that you've done your bit to save water.

Take the 4 minute shower challenge

With baths, less is definitely less…

Easy win 

Less is more. Ok, less is less, but if you can shave an inch or two off the depth of your bath you can save plenty of water and we promise you won't notice the difference.

A bit more work 

Switch for a shower. Sometimes nothing beats a soak in the tub, but if you’re a regular bather and you switch half of your baths for a 5-minute shower, you’ll see those water bills tumbling.

Water saving hero 

If you have treated yourself to a relaxing bath, don’t touch that plug! If your kids are small enough to fit in, or maybe your pets need a pamper, re-use the water - sharing's caring.

If sharing just isn’t for you, you can still make a bath go further by grabbing your watering can and using the leftover water to keep your garden looking lush!

Ditch the monster baths

Top tips for doing the dishes…

Easy win 

Make sure your dishwasher is always full! Your dishwasher uses the same amount of water and energy, regardless of how many dishes you stack, so be generous with your loads.  

A bit more work 

Don’t rinse dishes before washing. Instead, use a cake spatula (or a good old-fashioned knife) to scrape any excess food into your food waste bin. This saves water and means you won't be fishing leftovers out of the plug hole - yuck! 

Water saving hero 

When washing up in the sink, use a washing up bowl, as this uses much less water than filling up the whole sink.

Wash the cleaner items, such as glasses, first and leave the really dirty dishes till last so you don’t have to change the water as often.

Save water in the kitchen & utility

Always wash a full load…

Easy win 

Much like a dishwasher, you should always fill up your washing machine with a full load. Washing your clothes with a typical washing machine uses an average of 112 litres of water a week. Save clothes up rather than washing a few at a time. 

A bit more work 

Treat stains before washing. Pre-treating stains will save having to put clothes through the wash more than once.   

Water saving hero 

Is your machine nearing the end of its life? When it’s time to buy a new washing machine, invest in one that’s as water efficient as possible. Most modern machines have water saving modes that keep water and energy use to a minimum.

Save water in the kitchen & utility

Lose the hose, get a butt!

Easy win

Put the hosepipe down and grab a watering can. It takes a bit longer with a watering can, but you’ll find you waste a lot less water, targeting only the areas that need watering.

A bit more work 

Get a water butt – or better still get two! They give you a plentiful supply of free rainwater to keep your plants hydrated, help you to save on your bills (if you have a water meter) and you can even link multiple butts together using butt lining kits. What’s not to love?   

 Water saving hero 

Make sure that your garden uses water as efficiently as possible. With a bit of planning and preparation, you can create a water efficient sanctuary in no time. Take a look at our water saving garden tips.

Save water in the garden

Adopt a water saving culture

Easy win ⭐

Create a water saving culture for staff and customers that asks them to follow some simple rules, like turning off taps after use, using the correct dual flush button and not washing up under a running tap.

A bit more work ⭐⭐

Develop a water efficient environmental policy that includes appointing a water saving ambassador/officer, a recurring review of your water usage, and sets deadlines and targets for improvements.

Water saving hero ⭐⭐⭐

Invest in water saving technology that will have a long-term impact. Install dual flush efficient cisterns, low flow taps and shower valves, and automatic or push self-closing taps, that can really help save water in the long run.

Save water in the workplace

Save water in the workplace

Your winter water health check

Easy win 

An unexpected spell of cold weather is often the time people find out their boiler or heating system has a problem. Get it serviced at the start of winter and you’ll know it’s fighting fit and working efficiently to keep you warm all winter.

A bit more work 

If you’re going on holiday or visiting relatives for Christmas and leaving the house empty, don’t forget to keep your heating on low (min 14ºC). This will help to stop your pipes freezing.

Water saving hero 

Look after pipes that are in locations exposed to cold air – the garage, loft or outdoors. Wrap them up with lagging or fit pipe insulation to help prevent them freezing and bursting.

Look after your water this winter